Funding the health of forest guardians.

Who We Are

Health In Harmony supports the health of the rainforest communities that protect the ecosystems we all depend on for a stable climate.

The goal? To preserve 20 million hectares of rainforests by 2030.

Planetary Health in action

Planetary Health is premised on the notion that the health of humans and the Earth are deeply interconnected. 

Health In Harmony provides access to affordable, high-quality healthcare through mobile clinics and other services. This allows rainforest communities to thrive and to nurture forests that provide clean air and mitigate climate change. 

With WHO estimating that 24% of all estimated global deaths are linked to the environment, protecting rainforests benefits the health of all of us.

A message from Dr. Sakib Burza, Health In Harmony’s Chief of Health and Innovation

“These programs exist to support the thriving of these critical communities whose stewardship of the rainforest ultimately protects you, me and the rest of humanity. Your donations make this possible.”

The time to act is now

As global heating worsens, 2024 is an increasingly critical year for implementing climate solutions.

Health In Harmony’s work alongside rainforest communities in Indonesia, Madagascar, and the Brazilian Amazon currently supports the protection of critical tropical rainforests.

A proven, people-led solution to the climate crisis, Health In Harmony’s work has been found to improve human health AND planetary health.

A donation today will go directly to improving the health of people and the planet.

  • "Health In Harmony has solutions to address deforestation. And if we use them wisely we can prevent pandemics and slow climate change."

    Neil Vora MD, Prevention Fellow at Conservation International, TED Talk (2023)

Our Approach

  • Radical Listening

    Radical Listening is an approach that centers the voices of Indigenous Peoples and local communities in climate justice, understanding that those closest to the challenge are those best equipped to determine the solutions. Radical Listening honors and values collective knowledge and community-designed solutions.

  • Climate Justice

    Climate justice recognizes that struggles caused by global heating are interconnected, yet not felt evenly around the world. Health In Harmony’s work focuses on an intersectional and just approach to climate solutions, placing funding and autonomy back into the hands of Indigenous Peoples and local communities.

  • Systems Focus

    Health In Harmony works holistically to bring together advocacy, technology, and partnerships to support rainforest communities with education, livelihoods, and best-in-class healthcare. This integrated systems approach has been shown to improve the well-being of rainforest communities and their ecosystems.

Healthy People

Healthy Forests

Healthy Planet

Healthy People • Healthy Forests • Healthy Planet •

Donate for planetary health today!

Your donation to Health In Harmony will immediately protect people and the planet.

Why Health In Harmony

By directly investing in solutions based on the knowledge and expertise of Indigenous Peoples and local communities in rainforests, Health In Harmony takes an anti-colonial approach.

Our work alongside rainforest communities has been proven to significantly improve human health, decrease deforestation, and increase the drawdown of CO2.